This AAUPCC 2021 committee held the AGM and the annual Alumni members’ family get-together on 11 December 2021 at Senior Citizen Centre at Turner, ACT from 6.30pm onwards. The event was coloured by over 80 Alumni members participation. In addition to dissolving and selecting a new committee, the agenda item also included a discussion of the constitution amendments proposal. The discussions were very productive. The agreed amendments by the members were:
1). To increase the committee size from 9 to 10.
2). To split the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer position from one personal to two personals, namely Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer.
3). To eliminate the statement indicating if a member not paid the membership fee for 2 years then the membership is being cancel.
4). To strengthen the financial management policies to suit the total asset base.
5). To change the constitution to face emergency situations in the future (e.g., A pandemic).
6). To develop the Information security framework.
7). To add the referring clauses to Management Manual processes and procedures which need to be aligned with the constitution.