
AAUPCC News Archive

AGM and Dinner Dance – 2022

The Annual General Meeting and Dinner Dance of the Alumni Association of the University of Peradeniya, Canberra Chapter (AAUPCC) was held at Senior Citizen Centre, Turner, on Saturday, 03rd December 2022, at 6.30 pm. The committee appointed is as follows,Daminda Solangaarachchi – PresidentSisira Karunarathne – Vice

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Mental Health Programme – 2022

Mental Health Programme – 2022 The mental health among the university students has been simmering for a long time which has become critical, hence needs remedial measures fairly quickly. Deteriorating economic and political situation in Sri Lanka has caused many hardships among the general public

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Wesak Bakthi Gee – 2022

Wesak Bakthi Gee – 2022 AAUPCC members participated at the Wesak celebration on the 7th of May 2022 at Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara Canberra, 30 Jenke Cct, Kambah ACT 2902. Our members helped making some Wesak Lantern and also sang three songs (Bakthi Geetha) at

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AAUPC Calendar

NOV 18th

6.30 PM

AAUPCC AGM and Annual GetTogether

Location – Canberra Deakin Football Club


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